This three-time national award-winning book is a must-read book that will immediately increase marital happiness and significantly improve troubled relationships! These effective habits will help every couple successfully communicate, eliminate arguments, enhance emotional intimacy, increase physical closeness, apologize, forgive, budget as well as guard a marriage from destructive problems.

A happy, gratifying marriage is not strengthened through concepts or principles but built day by day through specific words and practical actions that show love to one’s spouse. Instead of talking about marriage ideas, this complete resource provides all the precise, practical words and behaviors for achieving a satisfying, happy marriage.

The implementation of just one simple effective habit often makes the difference between happiness and ongoing frustration. These straightforward, easy-to-understand effective habits will help you learn how to:

  • Apologize and forgive

  • Stay in love after the honeymoon

  • Communicate effectively with your spouse

  • Safeguard your oneness

  • Maintain emotional and physical closeness

  • Disagree without hurting your relationship

  • Budget, save, and spend together

Whether you have been married for years, are a newlywed, or are still looking for that special someone, Simple Habits for Marital Happiness provides essential loving actions, encouraging words, and common-sense wisdom for a satisfying loving marriage!