
Forming New Habits for Your Marriage!

Hello Christian Friend,

I am an LCMS pastor and former Concordia Theological Seminary Professor for nearly 25 years where I taught pastoral counseling classes including Premarital Counseling, Marriage Counseling, Family Counseling, Crisis Counseling, and Pastor as Counselor. I have a counseling practice at Cornerstone Lutheran Church, Carmel, Indiana.

Today and tomorrow, September 22-23, please enjoy my Focus on the Family national broadcast 2-Part Interview, entitled Forming New Habits for Your Marriage I-II. The interview will be heard on 2,000 U.S. radio stations by approximately 2-3 million people.

A video version will also be featured on the Focus on the Family YouTube channel at Forming New Habits for Your Marriage

Consistent marital happiness is determined by the quality of habits many of which are shared in this Focus on the Family 2-Part Interview.  A successful satisfying marriage is nothing more than simple, yet very effective habits, practiced every day.

I encourage you to check out the 50+ videos on Dr. Randy Schroeder - YouTube Channel. I would appreciate you subscribing to my YouTube channel, sharing these videos with family, friends, and others, and commenting on the videos. Knowing what is most important to you helps to open my eyes to new topics for future YouTube Videos.

God’s richest blessings on your life and relationships throughout 2022!

Dr. Randy

The three-time national award-winning Simple Habits for Marital Happiness and the two-time national award-winning Simple Habits for Effective Parenting are available now on Amazon and CrossLink Publishing.

 Randy Schroeder, Ph.D., M.Div., M.Ed.


Dr. Randy Schroeder - YouTube Channel





10 Best Marriage Tips Ever!

Hello Christian Friend,

Every couple seeks a consistently satisfying marriage.  Yet desire alone is never enough because specific words, behaviors, tips, and practical wisdom are what produce a gratifying relationship. Thousands of couples have developed a rewarding relationship through simple yet very effective habits that make a positive difference. 

Shown below is a link to the 10 Best Marriage Tips Ever! The positive words, behaviors, and knowledge in this video will immediately improve and strengthen every marriage. These “Tips” are the keys to a lasting, loving marriage!

10 Best Marriage Tips Ever

Will you please check out the 50 videos on Dr. Randy Schroeder - YouTube Channel? Will you please also subscribe, share with others, and comment on what other topics would help enhance your life and relationships? Knowing what is most important to you helps to open my eyes to new topics for future YouTube Videos.

God’s richest blessings on your life and relationships throughout 2022!

Dr. Randy

Three-time national award-winning Simple Habits for Marital Happiness and national award-winning Simple Habits for Effective Parenting are available now on Amazon and CrossLink Publishing.

For over four decades, Dr. Randy Schroeder, a licensed marriage and family therapist, pastor, and former seminary professor of pastoral counseling for 25 years, has spoken to and counseled thousands of parents and spouses about the simple, yet very effective habits, that are essential for a fulfilling life and rewarding relationships.

  Randy Schroeder, Ph.D., M.Div., M.Ed.


Dr. Randy Schroeder - YouTube Channel






Throughout 2021, overcome the number one disease for every marriage, complacency!  One way to defeat the complacency disease is to regularly have a SMART MARRIAGE TUNE-UP.  As a couple, on a weekly basis complete the following three sentences with each other:

1.  In our marriage, I think we are doing just the right amount of . . .

2.  In our marriage, I think it would be nice to do less of . . .

3.  In our marriage, I think it would be nice to do more of . . .


Please spread the word about the three-time National award-winning marriage book, Simple Habits For Marital Happiness, with family members, friends, neighbors, and contacts in ways that are most comfortable for you.

To download the FREE Discussion Guide please click the following Crosslink Publishing link:  https://crosslinkpublishing.com/shop/simple-habits-for-marital-happiness/


Please also “SUBSCRIBE” on my website, www.DrRandySchroeder.com,  for future emails. 

7 Qualities of a Polite Spouse 

Two spouses that are extra-polite create a positive, happy marriage.  The best part about being polite – politeness is within our control.  One of the best ways to care and value our spouse is to be extra-polite.  Shown below are 7 goals for attaining politeness. 

1.  On a regular basis give sincere, positive compliments.

2.  Be courteous and considerate by regularly using “please,” “thank you,” and “you are welcome.”

3.  Ask questions to express an interest in your spouse.

4.  Never interrupt and let your spouse finish speaking.

5.  Avoid being a “C” spouse by regularly not complaining, criticizing, and correcting.

6.  Smile frequently rather than wear a constant frown.

7.  When speaking use a pleasant, encouraging tone so your spouse feels nurtured and special.

Today:  Implement these 7 politeness qualities along with what you have found to help your spouse feel loved. 

Enjoyed this post?  Like or share on Facebook and Twitter to spread the word!  Please also “SUBSCRIBE” on my website for future newletters and information about my Christian marriage book.  See past blog posts under Practical Wisdom for Marriage, Parenting, and Life